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Course outline


LTV amplification

Craft irresistible offers based on customer data

Elevate the average order value and transform single purchases into ongoing relationships through strategic bundling, upselling, and cross-selling.

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LTV amplification

Course Outline

What you'll learn in this course

All of the levels of the Solid Growth program consist of an online course to get everyone on the team on the same level, followed by a workshop to implement the theory together.

Increase AOV

Increase profitability with AOV tactics

Master the art of upselling, cross-selling, and crafting compelling on-site promotions to elevate your AOV.

Increase AOV

Understand the factors contributing to AOV and its importance in LTV amplification.

Learn strategies to increase AOV, such as product recommendations, upselling, and cross-selling.

Develop techniques for effective on-site promotions and targeted offers.

Practice designing campaigns aimed at increasing AOV through real-life examples or case studies.

Product bundling & offers

Promote enticing product bundles that meet customers' desires

Dive into the consumer psychology of bundling to understand how it influences buying behavior. Learn to craft and promote enticing product bundles that meet customer desires and enhance value perception.

Product bundling & offers

Explore the psychology behind bundling and its impact on purchasing decisions.

Learn how to create attractive bundles that add value for customers.

Develop skills to test and measure the effectiveness of different bundling strategies.

Practice creating and promoting product bundles that align with customer needs and preferences.

Finding high-LTV customers

Build a marketing strategy around high-value customers

Identify and analyse the defining characteristics of high-value customer segments to transform your marketing strategy. Craft tailored marketing and product offers that resonate deeply with these key segments, significantly enhancing customer engagement and boosting revenue.

Finding high-LTV customers

Identify characteristics of high-value customer segments.

Learn how to use data analytics to identify and target these segments effectively.

Develop strategies to tailor marketing and product offers to high-value segments.

Examples & ideas about high-value customers

Competitive Pricing Strategies

Improve your market position with better pricing

Gain a deep understanding of how competitive pricing impacts brand positioning and customer lifetime value. Learn to analyse the market and competitors' strategies effectively, enabling you to adjust your pricing dynamically without diminishing your brand's perceived value.

Competitive Pricing Strategies

Understand the impact of pricing on lifetime value and brand positioning.

Learn methods to analyse competitors' pricing and market position.

Develop strategies to adjust pricing without sacrificing perceived value.

Evaluating your pricing strategy in the context of current market conditions and competitor pricing.

Workshop about this level

Bundle & upsell workshop

We'll create bundles, upsells and offers for your company based on your customer data.

Create bundles of products bought together

Which hero products we should push

Building profitable offers

Cross-sell inspiration