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Course outline


Customer insights

Unlock the secrets of your customers' minds

This level is all about getting under the skin of your audience through user interviews, data analysis, and research.

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Customer insights

Course Outline

What you'll learn in this course

All of the levels of the Solid Growth program consist of an online course to get everyone on the team on the same level, followed by a workshop to implement the theory together.

User Interviews

Gain valuable qualitative insights that drive growth

By designing and executing impactful interviews and accurately analyzing the data gathered, you'll gain valuable qualitative insights that inform product development, marketing strategies, and overall business decisions.

User Interviews

Understand the importance and objectives of user interviews in gathering qualitative data.

Learn how to design and conduct effective user interviews.

Analyse and interpret interview data to extract meaningful insights.

Learn how to conduct good interviews

Customer Support insights

Translate customer support insights into actionable changes

Learn to extract and leverage the goldmine of data hidden in customer support interactions. By understanding common queries, issues, and feedback, you'll identify areas for improvement and innovation within your product or service.

Customer Support insights

Explore how to leverage customer support interactions, polls, and chat logs for insights.

Techniques for categorising and analysing support queries to identify common issues and themes.

Develop strategies to transform insights from support data into actionable improvements.

Heat maps & recordings

Enhance website usability through research

Grasp the power of heat maps and session recordings to visually understand how users interact with your website. Identify hotspots, navigational challenges, and areas of disinterest to optimise the user experience.

Heat maps & recordings

Learn the basics of using heat maps and session recordings to understand user behaviour.

Understand how to set up, interpret, and draw conclusions from heat maps and recordings.

Best practices for integrating findings into UX/UI improvements and content strategies.

Analyse sample heat maps and session recordings to identify usability issues.

Driving Actions from Customer Insights

Prioritise customer insights to drive impactful actions

Prioritise and implement changes that directly address customer needs and pain points, leading to improved product offerings, more targeted marketing campaigns, and ultimately, increased business success.

Driving Actions from Customer Insights

Understand how to translate customer insights into actionable business decisions.

Learn frameworks for categorising and prioritising insights based on their potential impact and feasibility.

Develop strategies for implementing changes based on customer feedback across different areas of the business.

Practice creating action plans that address key customer insights, ensuring they are measurable and aligned with business objectives.

Workshop about this level

User Interviews workshop

Learn how to perform user interviews by doing them together with me. I'll show you 3 examples, then you'll conduct 3 interviews under supervision.

Practice with a mock interview

Watch me do it

Do it yourself (with your clients)

Take learnings from interviews